If you were to use this in your own video, credit would be much appreciated since this is not an official release from NASA.
This timelapse made out of images taken by Voyager 2 during it's pass on Neptune. Regarding the sounds, space is technically not a complete vacuum due to solar and interstellar particles which is concentrated in the Magnetospheres of planets it creates a medium which the sound could travel. The sounds we hear is up picked by the PWS or Plasma Wave Subsystem which is capable of detecting oscillations of plasma which is similar in a way that we perceive sound waves.
(Use the , and . or angled brackets to cycle through frame by frame)
Any Low bass thud/gong sound, sharp harmonic tune ending abruptly are caused by Voyager's motor/thruster activation as well as other interferences. Everything else is Neptune's magnetosphere activity. Only alteration I've done to the original sound is removing the 2.4kHz noise to better hear other sounds as well as reducing the dB a bit so it isn't too harsh on the ears.
Apparently this gives people Astrophobia
University of Iowa Plasma Wave Audio (RAW audio)
NASA Ring Moon System Node (RAW images)
#voyager2 #neptune
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