LBJ - John Connally Telephone Conversation About Conspiracy Rumors 1967
Who is the "one of our mutual friends" referred to by LBJ?
" This is confidential, too. We've had that story on about three occasions and the people here say there's... there's no basis for it. I have had some...I've given a lot of thought to it. First, one of Hoffa's.... eh...lawyers went to one of our friends asked him to come and relay that to us. Just about like you have related week or two passed and then Pearson (?) came to me, Drew Pearson told me that the lawyer Edward Morgan here had told him the same thing and said they would plead...they would tell all the story after November when the limitation ran out.Our lawyers didn't believe there was any limitation on a conspiracy but I talked to another one or two of our good lawyers that I have recognized ...pretty high place a few months ago. He evaluated pretty carefully and said that it was ridiculous. With this CIA thing breaking and the as it did and reconstructing the requests that were made of me back there....I became president I have talked to some more about it and I've got the E(?).G.(?) coming down to see me tomorrow spend the weekend with me. I thought I would go over it with him again so Hoover and them could watch it very carefully. They say that there's not anything to the Garrison story.. Least Hoover says so as near as he can tell. He says they interviewed Ferrie and they interviewed this other fellow very carefully and closely.The fellow claims he got a call from Oswald but they can't find any record of it and the doctor that had him under surveillance said he wasn't in a position to talk on November 23rd and he's under very heavy sedation and this Shaw thing is a phony and that Ferrie died of natural causes and that that was a phony. of these same sources that were preventing trying to involve this jail been feeding stuff to Garrison as they did here. I don't know whether there is any basis for it or not. I noticed even my Larry(?)... Larry Blackmon yesterday....He was in to see me on another matter and he started making a big pitch about this other situation. So I don't know how much of it is being fed out through their network..through their channels and how much of it anyone would know. It's pretty hard to see how we would what Castro did. The story varies a good deal if you go to looking at it as Abe(?) said.Eh.. Who is it that's seen Castro or heard (of)? Castro or knows Castro that could be confirming all this?.... That we just hear this is what he did but nobody points to how we hear it. And so.....We will look into it and I appreciate very much your calling me............and I'll try to bear this in mind and may have you talk to the fellow(?) when you get back home just for a minute because I think it is something we have to be aware of and wise(?) - without getting....[the tape seems to have been edited here] you stop the bombing..had a pretty good crowd......."
"First, one of Hoffa's.... eh...lawyers went to one of our friends asked him to come and relay that to us."
" of our friends". Who could LBJ be referring to?
Someone whose name no one dares to speak....on the telephone at least.
Is the "fellow" LBJ mentions near the end and whom LBJ may have Connally talk to the same guy as " one of our friends"?
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