When a parent creates a TOXIC EMOTIONAL ATTACHMENT and treats a child like a MINI-HUSBAND or MINI-WIFE, then we have a sick, traumatic "marriage" between the two. This is also known as 'Emotional Incest' and does NOT include physical sex, only emotional smothering. Find out more about this family dysfunction in today's video......I'm a Licensed Therapist and answer your questions on 'Ask A Shrink'.
"MARRIED" To Mommy Or Daddy (Ask A Shrink)
mini husbandmini wifeemotional incestemotional smotheringnarcissistic parentsnarcissistic mothernarcissistic fatherdysfunctional familypeople pleaserchild abuseput on a pedestalmamas boydaddys girlemotional abusecovert narcissistmental healthpsychologyask a shrinkbad marriagetoxic familytoxic parentsbad parentsparentifiedparentificationparenting classbad mombad dadmini therapistchildhood developmentparenting