Gulki Joshi, who was loved for her portrayal of Haseena Malik in the recently concluded show Maddam Sir, got talking with ETimes TV exclusively at our Mumbai office. Gulki in her chirpy self spoke about the immense love she has got over the three years she played the role of Haseena Malik. She also revealed a few crazy weird moments and also why she would go on brief breaks in the show. She said that at times while doing the show 24X7 you get monotonous and reach a plateau and in order to end that she would take breaks. She also spoke about the controversy with Shilpa Shinde and how she wanted to apologise for her statement. But Gulki says she was told that Shilpa wanted to speak with her in front of media to which she denied. All this an more in our exclusive interview.
#GulkiJoshi #MaddamSir #shilpashinde
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