The Independent Scientific Advocacy Group is a multidisciplinary group of scientists and experts from the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, and abroad, advocating for a COVID-19 elimination strategy for the island of Ireland.
This week we welcome Prof. Brett Sutton from Victoria's Department of Health and Human Sciences, and Dr. Stephen Duckett, Health Program Director at the Grattan Institute in Melbourne, to discuss Australia's public health responses to COVID-19, with special emphasis on the lessons learned from Victoria's recent lockdown.
Prof. Brett Sutton worked in emergency medicine and international public health before he became Victoria's Chief Health Officer in 2019. He has been leading the Victoria's public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Stephen Duckett's is a public health policy expert. He has held positions in the Victorian and Queensland health systems, as well as in academia, most notably as Professor of Health Policy in La Trobe University in Melbourne.