What’s the distance between the cones ?🔺🔺🔺
We use 3 different distances during competition ⬇️
▶️ 50cm
▶️ 80cm
▶️ 120cm
The most common is 80cm and we spend most of the time between them 🤗 I think 99% of the videos you see on my profiles are on 80cm including today’s one 😅
Then 120cm we use at the beginning to learn some first tricks and during competition is line where we usually show sitting tricks.
50cm seems too small but actually for some tricks like X or special it might be even easier. From another side doing footwork there is quite challenging. And often kicking one cone on 50cm is like domino 🤣
TIP for beginners ⬇️
You can always skate between larger distance if you like 👍 For example when I teach beginners I sometimes use 160cm first 🤗
Leave me a comment if that was helpful for you ☺️
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