Tricky Symptoms of Autoimmune Disease
Autoimmune disease affects an estimated 46 million people in the US alone. The symptoms are often times convoluted and missed by doctors. In this episode of Pick Dr. Osborne's Brain, I discuss the commonly missed or hidden symptoms of autoimmune disease.
Some of them include:
1. Non traumatic pain
2. Fatigue and brain fog
3. Unexplained anemia
4. Nerve damage
5. Cold intolerance
6. Low Grade Fevers
7. Gut Problems like IBS
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Additionally, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Dr. Osborne is not a medical doctor. He does not treat or diagnose disease. He offers nutritional support to people seeking an alternative from traditional medicine. Dr. Osborne is licensed with the Pastoral Medical Association.
Tricky Symptoms of Autoimmune Disease
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