ANGARIATION - The Real Way To Pronounce Angariation in 2023
Angariation refers to the process of providing or assigning work tasks or duties to someone.
It involves delegating responsibilities and distributing workload among individuals or teams.
These tasks can vary in complexity and importance, and the goal of angariation is to effectively manage and allocate work within an organization or project.
To pronounce 'angariation', you can say /ˌæŋɡəˈraɪeɪʃən/ or ang-guh-rye-ey-shuhn.
Alternatively, you can also say /æŋɡəriˈeɪʃən/ or ang-guh-ree-ey-shuhn.
Test yourself by speaking the following examples:
1. The angariation of tasks will ensure that each team member has a fair share of responsibilities
2. The manager used angariation to divide the project into smaller tasks and allocate them to different team members
3. Proper angariation helps in optimizing efficiency and reducing workload imbalance
4. The angariation process involves analyzing each team member's skills and assigning tasks accordingly
5. The success of a project often depends on effective angariation and task management
Last updated: October, 2023
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