This is a video that will help new teachers. I give some practical advice to address three issues I noted among teachers when I did observations as an administrator. I also give examples of how I avoided these problems when I was a teacher. This advice should help you with classroom management and help you score satisfactory on observations. #classroommanagement, #newteachers, #quitteaching,
Best Advice for New Teachers (or Old Teachers)
YouCutretirementteachereducatorsquittingWhy I quit teachingquitting teachingquit teachingretentionattritionNichols Empireeducationnew teachersnovice teachersprofessional educatorsadministratorbeginning teacherseducation programsmentoringmentorsteacher preperationChris Nicholslesson planningclassroom disciplineclassroom managementteacher observationsobservation instraments