(1) The “hiatus and spondee” employed in the 5th foot of 1.617 even breaking the rules in Latin hexameter so as to make a strong rhythm contrast with 4.365 and 1.589
Beyond a mere "numerī causa", the strong contrast of the main rhythms (the arrangement of D (dactyl) or S (spondee) from the 1st to 6th foot) between 1.617 and 4.365, and also between 1.617 and 1.589 gives a strong reason for the “hiatus and spondee” in the 5th foot of 1.617. The strong contrast of the both lines in their rhythms in all 6 feet, which became possible only by breaking the rules, agrees with that of in their contents.
1.617: Dido first doubted if the man before her was Aeneas with the famous splendid divine blood due to his miserable situations, but finally accepted that.
4.365: Dido denied Aeneas’ divine blood which should have stopped his injustice (betrayal).
1.589: Aeneas was given by Venus a splendid divine appearance to prove his divine blood strongly implying his promised future and nobility of his mind.
1.589 DDDSDD|AAPPAA|| ōs ume|rōsque de|ō simi|lis; nam|qu(e) ipsa de|cōram
1.617 SSSDSS|APPPPA ||Tūn(e) il|l(e) Aenē|ās, quem| Dardani|ō An|chīsae
4.365 DDDSDD|AAPPAA ||nec tibi| dīva pa|rens gene|ris nec| Dardanus| auctor,
(2) Chiasmus of D/S arrangement with reversed D/S choice in each foot between 1.609 and 1.624
1.609 X 1.624 = DSDSDD X SSDSDS
1.609 semper ho|nōs nō|menque tu|um lau|dēsque ma|nēbunt,
1.624 Trōiā|nae nō|menque tu|um rē|gēsque Pe|lasgī.
The words of "nōmenque tuum" in the middle of line connect the both lines above, but the characters of the same words are quite opposite, which is Dido's good reputation for coexistence in peace in the future in 1.609, but is Aeneas' one for the Trojan war in the past in 1.624. The rhythm chiasmus, which is the oppositeness between the two lines in D/S flow from the 1st foot to the 6th foot, would represent the oppositeness of the time-flow-directions of thinking between the two lines: toward the future in 1.609, and toward the past in 1.624. And the reverse of D/S choice in each foot would represent the oppositeness of the objects of the two: for peace in1.609, and for war in 1.624.
(3) Well organized rhythm structure by four pairs of lines from 1.623 to 1.630
the oppositeness in 623 to 630: DSSDDD⇔SDDSDS
the sameness in 624 and 629: SSDSDS
the sameness in 625 and 626: SSSSDD
the sameness in 627 and 628: DSDSDS
These sameness and oppositeness in rhythm would agree with those in content as below.
1) 623 to 630
623: past Dido as a spectator on the sidelines of the Trojan War and its tragedies
630: present Dido as a success and guardian of Trojan fugitives
2) 624 and 629: Juno as Fortuna to give tests and rewards. similar experiences of sufferings. ※ the implication is that Dido understands Aeneas the most.
3) 625 and 626: the glory of Troy envied even by an enemy, Teucer, who was under support from Dido's father. ※Tickle of ruined Trojans' pride so as to reduce their hesitation to be under support from promising Phoenicians.
4) 627 and 628: Dido's leadership for Trojans to enter under the patronage of Phoenicians (substantially Juno). ※Trojans is also expected to settle down here (in Carthage) by Juno , and will receive Juno's rewards.
(4) Tumult designed by the silence of the 4th, 5th, and 6th foot in 1.636 "mūnera| laetiti|amque di|ī."
The lack of these 3 feet in 1.636 could have been designed to let readers to imagine a period of Trojans' excitement and tumult while receiving gifts from Dido.
If we have a tendency to expect a rhythm pattern implied by just preceding lines, the expected rhythm pattern of 1.636 could be thought to be "DDD(S)D(D)|AAAPAA " as shown below.
1) (S)D(D)
The three just preceding lines have the latter half main rhythm patterns of "SDD" or "SDS." Only in case of "SDD", the opening line and the closing line of the description are connected by the same whole main rhythm pattern, which would emphasize its message. In fact, the connection of both lines makes a complete sentence, supporting the assumption, as the following: "Nec minus intereā sociīs ad lītora mittit mūnera laetitiamque diī."
2) PAA
The sub rhythm of the 4th foot is "P" because the ending vowel of "diī" does not have an accent. The rules of Latin Hexameter determine both the 5th and 6th foot as "P." Therefore, the expected whole sub rhythm pattern of 1.636 is "AAAPAA" which is the same as 1.633.
The D-dominant main rhythm and A-dominant sub rhythm bear a typical sense of epic such as dynamism and nobleness, which are suitable to describe the reaction of Trojans who received gifts from friendly Dido. As a matter of fact, a listener who receives the contents of "gifts and joy" and extremely D/P-dominant rhythm pattern of "DDD|AAA" from the words in 1.636, would be well prepared to imagine Trojans' excitement and tumult.
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