Happy new year! This has been circulating the interwebs for a very, very long time. So long, in fact, that the only copy of this before this upload looked like it was encoded from 2000. Well screw that! Here it is in high quality for the first time since it's one and only airing! Unless Trey and Matt still have the files for this (and the 1998/1999 countdowns) this will be the highest quality version of the short that will exist.
This little short counting down to 2000 aired at 11:59pm on December 31, 1999 on Comedy Central, after an airing of South Park’s “Are You There Jesus? It's Me, God" (in 1999) and before an airing of The Man Show (in 2000). Braniff/CC logo and part of the Man Show’s intro are left in for continuity
I own nothing
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