37 data holders, 86 sources, 10 Working Groups with 130 stakeholders, 530 field observations. These are just some of the figures that summarise the research activities encompassed by the Milan Design (Eco) System, the first chapter of a larger project devised and promoted by the Salone del Mobile, with scientific oversight by the Politecnico di Milano to find out, based on data for the first time, the dimensions and dynamics of the great international "event" which, every year, in April, generates economic growth and innovation, contributing significantly to the identity of Milan, the Capital of Design. The Press conference at the Piccolo Teatro Grassi in Milan was introduced by the Keynote Speech of urban sociologist Charles Landry.
Introduction and moderation
Christian Rocca, Editorial Director of Linkiesta
Institutional greetings
Giuseppe Sala, Mayor of Milan
Attilio Fontana, President of Lombardy Region
Donatella Sciuto, Rector, Politecnico di Milano
Keynote Speech
Charles Landry
Part I
Salone del Mobile.Milano presents Milan Design (Eco) System
Maria Porro, President of the Salone del Mobile.Milano
Part II
Milan Design (Eco) System: the key indicators
Francesco Zurlo and Stefano Maffei, Department of Design – Politecnico di Milano
Maria Porro, President of the Salone del Mobile.Milano
Francesco Zurlo and Stefano Maffei, Department of Design – Politecnico di Milano
Claudio Feltrin, President of FederlegnoArredo
Salone del Mobile.Milano - Annual report 2024
Salone del Mobile.MilanoSalone del MobileSaloneMilanoMilanPress ConferencePress Conference Salone del MobileCharles LandryMilano Design WeekTeatro GrassiPiccolo teatroMunicipality of MilanPolitecnico di MilanoLombardy RegionFuoriSaloneFederlegnoArredoClaudio FeltrinMaria PorroLinkiestaChristian RoccaFrancesco ZurloStefano MaffeiCreative CityDesignerDesignZona BreraZona TortonaSalone del Mobile 2025Salone del Mobile 2024