I Chronicles 13 – Reclaim, Regard & Reward
(I&II Kings – they lived like Kings but in I&II Chronicles – Chronicles their return from Exile) - Pic of Post-modern Church
David had been made King (I Chron. Shows it early than does the timeline of 2 Sam. 6.) - but does so to show earnest desire of David’s desire to restore Worship to God among His People!
David was NOW ‘King David’ – and his ability to have influence over the outcome of the well-being of what he governed was now firmly in his hands!
He sought the counsel of the Leaders, but like a good leader, he addressed them with matters that mattered & they saw the wisdom in his suggestions!
David’s High Priority in power was to utilize this position to position God in the forefront, to reclaim what Saul had misplaced and to restore the Lord to a place of High Esteem and Veneration (Glory, Honor, Worship & Prestige)
There are 3 breakdowns
Reclamation of Worship and its Priority (1-8)
_the absence of Worship MUST be Reclaimed
Results of self-effort in worship (9-13)
Reaction of God’s Presence in your house (12-14)
There is always the need for 3 things if a church or an individual is to move forward:
1) We MUST consult with the Word & Spirit of God about what is needed in our midst! (Personal and/or corporately, we must ascertain the greatest need)
2) We MUST act or take action in Unity (Us with the Spirit’s leading -- Us together under the same)
3) We MUST ‘Plan’ but do so under God’s Direction & in FAITH that God can govern, protect, direct, & correct ANY weaknesses revealed in our efforts.
o Uzza probably had a right heart but was wrong in putting his hands to the matter rather than let God respond!
Lets talk about Reclamation of Worship
I love the imagery portrayed here in this passage – there is a picture being developed in front of our eyes…one of the changing of the guard and the recognition of folly and futility!
The previous ruling party (King Saul) had lost sight of WHO they served & literally lost possession of the thing that any Leader NEEDS the most to lead effectively – the Manifest Presence of the Spirit of God! – ALL OF US NEED THE HOLY SPIRIT TO GIVE GUIDANCE TO OUR RULE!
Personally: to so ‘learn the ropes’ of ministry that we operate on ‘Cruise Control’
Corporately: That we get so busy Being the King of our own lives and fighting battles and making all-kinds of ‘King Decisions’ that we lose sight of what is important and we foolishly lose track of the Spirit of God and we go traipsing after even wicked counsel instead of Godly Counsel! [I Samuel 28:7 _ Witch @ Endor]
Today, in the midst of this Covid-19 roll-out, mid or post-pandemic world – the fall-out is that many have become so busy pursuing their own interest and fighting their own battles that they (like Previous King Saul) have ceased to CARE where the Ark of the Covenant (which represents the ACTIVE work of the Holy Spirit in our midst as it pertains to any Care about the Presence of God) is in their life.
What does this look like?
- A break down in our Prayer Lives, the Shunning of the reading of the Word, the neglect of Fasting and Sharing, and being Loving & Caring; and an awareness of daily demand for Sensitivity to the Spirit of God as He seeks to glorify the Father. (All witnessed in Saul’s life and digression into deception!)
- It can be easily likened into -- not making ‘church’ (in all its analogies) a priority! [Worship, Centrality of Christ, Acceptance of Divine Oversight – all but GONE, traded for the IMPORTANT work of the building of a personal Kingdom, where you rule as the Chief Decision maker]
- These things LISTED are not the Problems, they are Symptoms of the Sickness – the ‘Sickness’ is that we are too busy for God and too distracted by our own, less demanding pursuits that this kind of neglect surfaces (like found in the life and reign of King Saul)
- When THIS is the Reality – IT, WILL lead to RUIN, REMOVAL, and RESULT in Defeat! (I Chron. 10 / I Sam. 31 – reveal the last moments of the monarchy of Saul)
What David did, we need to DO!
1) Sought Support for the OBVIOUS! (v1-2)
‘Let’s Put God back in the Center of our City’
2) Strategized a Plan to recoup what had been NEGLECTED! (v3-7)
Unity in the Community of Believers always results in Good Plans & God’s Presence returning to their midst
3) Started to put into Action a Response that Reflected True Worship (v5-8)
- We don’t WAIT on the LORD to ‘Move on US’, we need to initiate our move towards Him w/Sincerity & Intentionality…it validates Motive!
- JAMES 4:8
Want to RESTORE Worship of the Lord to its rightful place of Priority in your midst?
Determine to DO so,
Plan your days &
Raise your Praise…& you will see LIFE Spring Back into your spiritual Landscape !
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