First try-out with new arrows. I did not dare to go full draw yet. Would have been better though, since the wooden eggs I used for blunts are quite heavy; they drop fast. Sarmat Archery Hanky and 1 mtr Bamboo shafts I made the arrows of are acting excellent. I made a special stand for it; made an Igote as well.
First shot is on the edge, because of the weight of the arrow; second one is much more satisfying. Very nice effect. Will be doing this more often.
Imagine Yabusame doing this on a horseback, going about 30 kilometers per hour, using only their legs to manage the horse, doing three shots in about 20 seconds... Deep respect!
Archery with blunts - Wooden eggs - Destroy wood target
archerydojoeggswoodhankyuyumidestroydestroyedtargetyabusamesamuraibluntbluntspracticearrowigotebamboopractisesarmat archeryblunt arrowtrainingarcherjapaneseBogenschießen zerstörendeBogenschießen zerstörerischTiro con arco destructivoСтральба з лука разбуральнаяTir à l'arc destructiftir à l'arcстральба з лукаtiro al arcoBogenschießenstumpfembotarтупыémoussercible d'entrainementмэтавая практыкаObjetivó de prácticaZielübung