In a groundbreaking move, the forthcoming 69th Filmfare Awards are all set to grace the vibrant state of Gujarat next year. The prestigious Filmfare team recently hosted a round table meeting in collaboration with prominent filmmakers and the Gujarat government, with a mission to spotlight Gujarat as an emerging film industry hub. During this meeting, the Gujarat government presented an extensive overview for the development of the state's film industry. The presentation covered topics ranging from the cinematic tourism policy to initiatives aimed at boosting the film industry. Notably, the Chief Minister of Gujarat graced the event as a special guest, accompanied by several ministers and government officials. This gathering also featured renowned filmmakers such as Boney Kapoor, Imtiaz Ali, Madhur Bhandarkar, and Mukesh Bhatt, among others.
Watch the full video to hear from Vineet Jain, the Managing Director of the Times Group, and Gujarat's CM Bhupendra Patel, as they discuss the exciting venture that aims to transform Gujarat into a prominent film hub.
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