"A Lucky Man" is based upon the real life story of Ernie 'Lastig' Solomon, a legendary gangster from the violent and crime-ridden area known as the Cape Flats, a depressed peri-urban sprawl abutting the world-acclaimed city of Cape Town.
Cape Town is a veritable 'tale of two cities', a city of wealth and of city of poverty; a city of yet undefined identity seeking to live with itself. Ernie Solomon is a man in search of his identity. Is he the product of his circumstances, a victim of fate and of circumstance, a violent criminal destined to live on the periphery of society? Or is he a 'lucky man', one who discovers that he has to become a self-directed agent, a master of his own destiny?
"A Lucky Man" explores the question of identity and morality in a society circumscribed by social engineering and by fate.
A complex, powerful life story told through the life of a man, a 'lucky man' who spent most of it watching his back and who now faces the future in the knowledge of his hard fought-for and found sense of self.
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