the #president of the #UnitedStates gets a special #passport. Apart from a regular blue passport for private travel, the president also receives a black, “#diplomatic” passport. This particular type of passport is used for #travel connected to the interests of the Department of State only.U.S. President #Joe #Biden #joebiden
Does U.S.President get a special passport?
Does U.S.President get a special passport?U.S.PresidentJoe BidenU.S. President Joe BidenGreen U.S. passporttravel documentsU.S. Department of Citizenship and ImmigrationGray U.S. passport coversTypes of U.S. passportsBlack passportsTypes of U.S. passports/ Black passportsDid you know that the cover of an American passport hasn’t always been blue?usaU.S. Passport Colors: What Do They Mean?U.S. Passport Colors:England draw 0-0 with USA at World Cup.