Get ready for a groundbreaking 7-part docu-series, "The Religion Business," directed by Emmy-winning filmmaker Nathan Apffel. This thought-provoking show challenges preconceived notions, sparking a global conversation about accountability, ethics, and faith within various religious institutions. Delve deep into the often-taboo subject of accountability in religious organizations, exploring allegations of misconduct, financial impropriety, and cover-ups. Hear from former clergy members, whistleblowers, and survivors sharing their insights. Can more accountability within religion change the world for the better? Join the dialogue and confront questions of power, influence, and authority.
#ReligionBusiness #Accountability #EthicsInFaith #DocumentarySeries #Transparency #ReligiousInstitutions #EmmyWinner #NathanApffel #GlobalDialogue #Misconduct #FaithAndEthics #SystemicIssues #ReligiousHierarchy #PowerInReligion #AccountabilityMatters
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