Today is World Book Day, and we'd like to celebrate with you with a new video about books and reading.
We understand that sometimes you may really want to read some books but don't have the time. And even for the books you have read, you may forget the substance after a while. So, in this video, we'll show you how to use several features and tricks in our devices to read books more effectively and learn from them. We hope these tips will help you read materials more efficiently and complete your book wishlist list faster.
*After the V3.3.2 firmware, you can use the Annotation Filter and the Text Note. If you haven't yet updated to the latest firmware, please look for the package that is being rolled out in batches at Settings-Firmware Update.
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#tabultra #boox #reading #books #readingtipsandtricks #booxtabultra #readingisfundamental
00:00 Opener
00:38 Text-to-Speech and Automatic Page-turning
01:38 Handwritten Notes and Annotations
02:40 Annotation Filter
03:17 Split Screen and Text Note
03:54 Review Annotations in the Cloud
04:21 Record the Progress
04:54 Ending