As Dil Bechara actor Sanjana Sanghi gets ready for the release of her debut with Sushant Singh Rajput, she says she doesn’t know what to feel. “It was not supposed to happen like this, in the middle of a pandemic, without Sushant by my side,” the actor says. Sushant’s death on June 14 left the entire country shocked with grief turning into anger. With so much negativity on social media and off it, Sanjana requests fans to turn their grief and anger into a celebration of Sushant’s life and his last work. “In my humble opinion, Dil Bechara is Sushant’s best performance. We owe it to Sushant Singh Rajput to convert this toxicity and negativity into hope and a celebration of his life,” she said in an exclusive interview. Dil Bechara releases on Disney+ Hotstar on July 24.
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