Title: "How to Calculate Plot Excavation Quantities in AutoCAD Civil 3D: Extract Cut & Fill Volumes"
Description: Learn how to efficiently calculate plot excavation quantities in AutoCAD Civil 3D with this step-by-step tutorial. In this video, we’ll walk you through the entire process of extracting cut and fill volumes, from importing points to generating a detailed cut/fill summary. Perfect for civil engineers and designers looking to streamline their workflow!
🔍 What You’ll Learn:
Import Points in Civil 3D: Begin by importing survey points to define your terrain and project area.
Create Feature Line: Set up a feature line to establish the base of your excavation.
Create Grading Group: Organise your design by creating a grading group for better project management.
Create Surface: Learn how to generate a surface for accurate terrain modelling and volume calculations.
Insert Cut/Fill Summary: Get insights into how to extract and insert a comprehensive cut and fill summary for your project.
Change Elevation Rise and Fall: Adjust and control the rise and fall of elevations for optimal cut and fill analysis.
Auto Adjust Cut Fill: Ensure cut and fill volumes are balanced and accurate with auto adjustment techniques.
This tutorial is packed with useful tips and detailed instructions to help you become proficient in calculating excavation quantities in Civil 3D. Follow along, and take your civil engineering designs to the next level.
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Time Code
00:00 Intro
02:14 Point Import
04:35 Create Surface
06:25 Create Feature Line
08:10 Create Grading
13:00 Volume Tools Using
17:35 Create Volume Surface
19:10 Volume Summary
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