Hello and welcome to today's WSL2 tutorial. Today, we will be moving the
vhdx file from one drive to another. After the move, we will be removing
the old distro, then fixing problems to docker-compose and other projects.
Thank you for watching, and taking the time to read.
Code for copying:
List all Linux distros: wsl --list --all
Export Linux distro from WSL2: wsl --export [distro] [filename].tar
Import new Linux distro for WSL2: wsl --import [new distro] [folder to import to] [tar filename].tar
Set default Linux distro: wsl -s [distro]
Shutdown Linux distro: wsl -t [distro]
Open terminal into distro for some user: wsl -d [distro] -u [linux user]
Link docker-credential-desktop.exe: sudo ln -s /mnt/c/Program\ Files/Docker/Docker/resources/bin/docker-credential-desktop.exe /usr/bin/docker-credential-desktop.exe
Relink Ember project to ember-cli: npm link ember-cli --force
00:34 Find which user to peform WSL2 distro move in command prompt
01:41 Moving Linux distro
03:37 Set default distro, shutdown old distro, removing Ubuntu app
04:10 Getting terminal into distro for Linux user
05:30 Fixing docker-compose after move
06:50 Fixing projects in distro
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