The third planet that the Bomberman Bros. venture into is Planet Brainwave, where all of the planet’s native inhabitants are controlled by a single powerful brain. The Bombermen plans to venture into its cyberspace in order to free the consciousness of its people from the Buggler Army.
Surely this is Blue’s specialty, since he’s the brains of the team, but since he was STILL sleepy as all get-out, it was up to White to once again lead the charge, much to Green’s fear of the situation.
After White cracks the code of an electronic lock, the team enter into cyberspace, where a shadowy figure awaits them from within, eager to see how they survive his deadly cyberspace maze.
I’m not gonna be using White again for a while. Instead, I switch to Green, the baby bomber, for this video and its levels. He gets scared of going through the cybermaze, but I make this cute little guy prove what he can do!
His English voice is actually provided by a Japanese voice actress! Isn’t that cool?
While 3-1, 3-3, and 3-4 are enemy elimination levels, 3-2 has you rescue lady robots as a new form of objective. Bring all of them towards the light field at once in order to unlock the goal. If any of them die while following you, they’ll just respawn back at their original spot for you to pick up again.
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