(25 Apr 1999) English/Nat
With thousands of refugees still fleeing Kosovo into Macedonia and Albania, aid agencies are having to work around the clock to get essential supplies to refugees arriving at established camps.
At Lojane in Macedonia, the international Red Cross have managed to deliver mattresses, blankets and food to 2-thousand Kosovar Albanian refugees who have settled temporarily in the town.
The aid convoy, escorted by French NATO troops, arrived in Lojane on Sunday just in time to supply the latest wave of refugees from Kosovo with food, matresses and blankets.
The 2-thousand ethnic Albanians have settled temporarily in the Macedonian border town, and Red Cross officials say they are expecting another 2-thousand to arrive at Lojane imminently.
The relief agencies expect to be able to send another convoy to the area soon.
A spokesman said the situation at Lojane had nevertheless stabilised and although the refugees may not want to be there, it was better than being in a war zone.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
"(The situation), it appears to be quite stable. People are welcomed by families (Local Albanians). It is not the best place to be when you have lost your house, sometimes your family and your belongings. But it is much better than being in the war zone."
SUPER CAPTION: Andrea St Martin, Red Cross Spokesman
Resources in Macedonia are already overstretched and there is growing concern at the sheer numbers of refugees still arriving in a country where the ethnic composition of the population had, until recently, been finely balanced.
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