These reports from two anonymous NDErs describes, first, a woman who dies after giving birth: she sees Earth from space, has a life review, and travels through a tunnel to family and Jesus. The second, a woman whose heart stops as she sleeps, enters the Light to experience the real meaning of God is Love.
NDE Radio with Lee Witting July 18, 2022
#NDERadio #LeeWitting #IANDS #NearDeathExperience
Lee reads two NDEs from IANDS
NDE RadioNDENDE Radio PodcastLee WittingNDE Radio Lee WittingNDE 2021IANDSNDE ExperienceNear Death ExperienceNDE StoriesOut of BodyOOBOBEAstral projectionSpiritual awakeningSpiritually Transformative ExperienceSTEMystical ExperiencesMeeting JesusLife after deathAngelsLight beingsAscended mastersSpirit guidesAfterlifeParanormalGhostsHeaven and HellJeff MaraNDE AccountsIANDS VideosAfterlife Experiences