It appears the $1,500 I paid for the Quest Pro at least got me early access to the Quest Pro controllers. And at $300, are they worth it? Well, that's why I made the video. C'mon, man! Watch the video! I can't give away all my secrets in the description. Geeeeeeezz....
#virtualreality #questpro #quest2
The Pro Controllers on The Quest 2 - A Perfect Combo!
Quest PrQuest ProQuestProPro QuestPro ControllersQuest2Quest2 CotrollersQuest 2 Pro ControllersQuest2 with Pro ControllersQuest Pro Controllers on the Quest 2Oculus Quest Pro ControllersPro Controllers and Oculus QuestQuest Pro Quest 2Quest 2 ProVirtaul RealityQueestQueest2Queest 2Qust2Qust 2QustOculus ProPro Quest OculusPro 2ControlelrsControllers Pro QuestKing of NerdsKing of Nerds TVKing of Nerds show