Hi all music lovers over the world, we present you a flute cover of a beautiful masterpiece song sung by respected singer swor samrat narayan gopal We hope you will like our version of this song Timro jasto mutu. If you like our hard work please appreciate it through your valuable responses.
Original Credits:
Song: Timro jasto mutu mero pani
Singer: swor samrat narayan gopal
Lyricis: gopal yonjan
Music : karma yonjan& gopal yonjan
Karaoke credit
KS Creation
Cover song Credits:
Flute : Bishnu Dev Ghatani
Rahar Music Creation
Nawaraj Roka
Mukti Chaulagain
Facebook : www.facebook.com/mukti.chaulagain.73
Kuber sunar
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sanukancha.sunar
Artist Social Link
Bishnu Dev
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bishnudevofficial
Youtube : www.youtube.com/flutistbishnudev
Instagram : www.instagram.com/bishnu_dev_/
Note: This is content is created with due respect to its original creators, and Using of this video on other channels without prior permission will be strictly prohibited.
(Embedding to the websites is allowed)
Thank You.
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