There are many talented actors who never won an Academy Award and there are so many who Won it kind of... how to put it mildly, they didn't deserve it!
In Part 1, I talked about 7 Great actors who are wonderful but never won an Oscar and there is a part 2 as well, don't miss out!
We are getting close to the academy awards so maybe they should look at my video!
Indeed Great Actors, No Oscar!
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0:00 Intro
0:32 Annette Bening
1:23 Samuel L. Jackson
2:03 Helena Bonham Carter
2:42 Viggo Mortensen
3:26 Ralph Fiennes
4:30 Amy Adams
5:20 Johnny Depp
#johhnydepp #viggomortensen #samjackson #samuelljackson #ralphfiennes #voldermort #amyadams #annettebening #helenabonhamcarter #piratesofthecaribbean
Additional Tags:
movie, movie reviews, cinema, reviews, movie review, top 10
moviesat6,moviereview,best movies,top 10,johnny depp,sweeney todd,american beauty,annette bening,pirates of the carribbean,helena bonham carter,jack sparrow,jack sparrow best moments,viggo mortensen,aragorn,lotr,lord of the rings,aragorn actor,the oscars,oscar,academy award,golden globes,samuel l jackson,pulp fiction,pulp fiction speech,ralph fiennes,voldermort,harry potter,in bruges,best actors with no oscar,pirates funny,johnny depp amber heard
#movie #moviesat6 #cinema #reviews #moviereview #bestmovies #top10
Great Actors, No Oscar ! Part 1
moviesat6moviereviewbest moviestop 10johnny deppsweeney toddamerican beautyannette beningpirates of the carribbeanhelena bonham carterjack sparrowjack sparrow best momentsviggo mortensenaragornlotrlord of the ringsaragorn actorthe oscarsoscaracademy awardgolden globessamuel l jacksonpulp fictionpulp fiction speechralph fiennesvoldermortharry potterin brugesbest actors with no oscarpirates funnyjohnny depp amber heard