My review of the Nerf Mega Rotofury, with a couple of cameos from some of my other Mega blasters!
The Rotofury is a 10-dart, cylinder fed, pump action blaster in the Nerf Mega series, it has a completely pointless slam-fire system, as you will see, but is great when firing single shots.
It has a single, long tactical rail and no attachment point for a stock, which it doesn't really need in my opinion, but some people like a stock.
Personally it doesn't need a scope either, but its great for close range and I may 3D print some basic iron sights or M4A1 style sights for it, but honestly I don't think it needs them, you just point and shoot, which is what it's great for.
I have a 12Kg spring in order to mod it up to the level of my Cycloneshock, I don't see the need to remove the air restrictor as it just shortens the lifespan of your blaster and the new AR's are pretty good and do exactly as they are meant to, protect the internals of your blaster.
I plan on doing some outdoor shooting so you can actually get an impression of the ranges it fires, I'll be doing that with some of my other blasters too, maybe a video of the Mega Series, one for Modulus Blasters, one for Zombiestrike blasters, you get the Idea.
I have it on good authority that it can take a K26 spring, but that to me is a little bit too much if playing at close range and makes it a lot harder to prime, although the pump-action grip does help a lot.
If anyone or any companies are generous enough to want to send me things to review or test, blasters or kits for example, available to the UK market, I'd be more than happy to give them a go and give you my honest, unbiased opinion, you can get in touch with me through the details below and I can send you my details.
Email is preferable, but I do reply to all my comments on YouTube or Facebook and will answer any questions you have to the best of my ability, be it springer or flywheeler based.
Most of all, have fun and enjoy your blasters, whether you're a modder like me, or more of a gamer, just have fun! That's what the hobby is all about!
Check out my Instagram page for some of my works in progress or just to say "Hi!". You might see something you're interested in.
I'm always open to suggestions and your tips and seeing your mods!
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Remember before you comment - this is aimed at EVERYONE, young and old, no matter the experience they have, so if you've seen it all and know it all, then this won't teach you much.
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Have fun and be safe, wherever you are!
My review of the Nerf Mega Rotofury
NERFnurfnerfnerf eliten-strikenerf n strikenerf elite n-strikefoam blastersnerf modnerf modificationnerf reviewnerf newsNerf RotofuryNerf MegaNerf Mega RotofuryMega RotofuryNerf Mega BlasterMega blastersNerf mega blasterNerf CycloneshockNerf Mega CycloneshockCycloneshockCyclone shockNerf Mega MagnusNerf MagnusMagnusSimple Nerf ModsNerf Mega comparisonsRotofuryRoto Fury