Kecimol Performing Art as of Economically Established People in East Lombok Kecimol performing art is a specific performing art in East Lombok. Such a complex performing art which combines the diatonic, pentatonic, dancing and literary elements is highly popular in East Lombok. It was originally composed a Aikmel Village: however it has been developed at Lenek Village, East Lombok. The people living in East Lombok are proud of it. Such a performing art is performed by a group of young men in the form a procession which is identical with a wedding ceremony. According to the East Lombok community, the Kecimol performing art indicates that there is a wedding ceremony, and symbolizes those who are economically established. What is meant is that its performance indicates that there is a wedding ceremony for a couple who are economically established. The performance is led by a girl accompanied by a group of drum players and a group of the Balinese gamelan players. It is usually performed in East Lombok to accompany a wedding procession who goes from the bride’s house to the bridegroom’s. as one of the cultural elements, it functions as a identity, religiosity and a medium of the community’s participation, and give additional values of viewed from the cultural and economic dimensions. Based on its functions, it can be stated that its existence is meaningful to its community, as it has been able to represent and identity and to show that the roles played by its people are socially, economically, politically, and culturally established. Such roles are fully patterned, and continuously and sustainably shown. Keywords: Kecimol, symbol of being established, and East Lombok community
Kecimol merupakan sebuah kesenian khas daerah Lombok Timur. Kesenian yang komleks memadukan berbagai unsur musik diatonis, pantatonis, tari dan sastra tersebut sangat populer di daerah tersebut. Kesenian yang lahir di Desa Aikmel, namun tumbuh besar di Desa Lenek, Lombok Timur tersebut merupakan kebanggaan masyarakat di Lombok Timur. Kesenian yang dimainkan oleh sekelompok pemuda secara prosesi (berjalan) itu identik dengan hajatan orang kawin. Masyarakat di Lombok Timur menganggap bahwa kesenian itu merupakan tanda orang memiliki hajatan pesta perkawinan dan simbol kemapanan masyarakat setempat. Artinya, dimana terdengar ada kesenian Kecimol, di situ dipastikan sedang ada pesta perkawinan masyarakat ekonomi kelas atas. Secara logis, masyarakat setempat menganggap bahwa hanya orang yang mapan secara ekonomi yang mampu melaksanakan pesta perkawinan. Kesenian yang disajikan secara prosesi itu dipimpin oleh seorang penari perempuan diiringi barisan penabuh drum, diikuti penabuh gamelan tradisional Bali. Kesenian Kecimol biasanya digunakan masyarakat Lombok Timur untuk mengiringi prosesi rombongan pengantin dari umah mempelai perempuan menuju ke rumah mempelai pemberi nilai tambah dari dimensi ekonomis, kultural, berfungsi
sebagai media partisipasi komunitas dan religiositas. Dari keseluruhan fungsinya itu, kehadiran Kecimol bermakna penting bagi masyarakatnya, karena kesenian itu telah mampu merepresentasikan identitas, kemapanan peran sosial, ekonomi, politik, kultural masyarakat yang ditunjukkan terpola secara utuh, terus-menerus, dan berkesinambungan.
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