Liberation: Film V, The Last Assault is the final chapter of a five-part film series released in 1970 and 1971, directed by Yuri Ozerov that was commissioned as part of the ongoing celebrations of the twenty-fifth anniversary of Victory Day. The series was a Soviet-Polish-East German-Italian-Yugoslav co-production. The film follows the Soviet army’s journey into Berlin as they seek to find Hitler’s headquarters and end the war. In the Führerbunker, after marrying Eva Braun, Hitler murders her and then has a subordinate kill him (as he as portrayed as too cowardly to do the deed himself). The film ends with an immense crowd of Red Army soldiers celebrating victory.
Context and Translation: In this scene a Soviet Commander frees a German prisoner of war, much to the captured soldier’s surprise.
Lieutenant – “Ask him where the consulate is, then we will send him to meet his maker, who the hell needs him!”
Commander – “Alright lieutenant, I don’t need any advice, we will figure it out ourselves.”
Commander to prisoner – “Do you want to smoke?”
Prisoner – “Thank you.”
Commander – “Ahh, you studied Russian?”
Prisoner – “Yes, I did. What do you want from me, mister major, the lieutenant gave me good advice, send me to meet my maker!”
Commander – “Why hurry?”
Prisoner – “A communist must not hesitate in front of the enemy.A communist has no right to doubt. Look, mister, your lieutenant does not have any doubts!”
Commander – “You poorly know communists! We don’t need your life. We just want to destroy fascism! Go! If you take up arms again, you will be shot. Remember this. Go. You are free.”
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