Jesus promises us a rest that has yet to come, even though Jesus came to declare the acceptable year of the LORD. So, then, when is the year of Jubilee for us Christians? When is our day of rest? When do we receive all of these promises? Join Reverend Kenny Yates as he shows us a Biblical mystery in his message, The Year of the Triple Blessing.
Verses Used:
Leviticus 25:13-22
Luke 4:16-21
Hebrews 3:7- 11, 15-4:11
Zechariah 13:6 (KJV)
Revelation 20:1-6
Leviticus 25:21
Luke 16:9
Matthew 6:19-21
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The Year of the Triple Blessing
the biblebibletheologyjesusgodchristianchristianityholdtohopehold to hopereligiousreligionsunday messagessunday sermonsyear of the lordyear of jubileethe year of the triple blessingthe year of the lordjesus is kingjesus is lordjesus is godthe trinitythe millennial reign of christthe thousand year reignthe rapturethe first resurrectionthe thousand year reign of christresurrectioneternityrevelation explainedrevelationnew jerusalem