Knowing how many people live in an irregular situation, what their needs are and how regularisation and other measures can affect them, is crucial to develop policies that are both inclusive and effective. But the data we have today about the undocumented population is old, scarce, and sometimes contested.
This video is a recording of the launch conference of "MIrreM" (Measuring Irregular Migration), a new research project funded by the European Commission, which runs from 2022 to 2025, and will address the lack of data and knowledge about irregular migration and about regularisation, in Europe and in North America.
00:00:00 Opening remarks and presentation of the MIrrem project. Albert Kraler, Co-Director, Centre for Migration and Globalisation Research, Donau University Krems.
00:08:17 Panel I: Data and estimates on undocumented migrants.
Moderated by Daniel Howden, Managing Director, Lighthouse Reports.
00:15:55 Jan Braat, Senior Policy Advisor on Migration, City of Utrecht and Chair of the City Initiative on Undocumented Migrants (C-MISE).
00:23:05 Dita Vogel, Senior Researcher, Universität Bremen.
00:31:31 Tamas Molnar, Project Officer, Justice, Digital and Migration Unit, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA).
00:43:11 Q&A
00:58:36 Panel II: Regularisation of undocumented migrants: framing on a political level. Moderated by Anna Triandafyllidou, Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration, Toronto Metropolitan University.
01:05:10 Alan Desmond, Lecturer, University of Leicester School of Law: the 2022 regularisation programme in Ireland.
01:11:04 Eduardo da Fonseca Quá, Head of International Relations Unit, High Commission for Migration, Republic of Portugal: Portugal’s 2020 regularisation.
01:19:54 Axel Kreienbrink, Coordinator of the research center Migration, Integration and Asylum, Federal Office for Migration and Asylum, Federal Republic of Germany: the case of Duldung in Germany, and current proposals for a country-wide regularisation.
01:30:04 Q&A
01:57:43 Closing remarks. Albert Kraler, Co-Director, Centre for Migration and Globalisation Research, Donau University Krems.
The MIrreM project is led by Universität für Weiterbildung Krems.
Project partners include PICUM, and:
European University Institute
Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy
International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)
Maastricht University
Migration Policy Institute
Toronto Metropolitan University
Turun yliopisto - University of Turku
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
University of Leicester
University of Potsdam
Universität Osnabrück
University of Oxford
Università degli Studi di Milano
University of Warsaw
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
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