Black Grouse have seen a catastrophic decline in the last two decades, but at Glen Finglas we have a stable population thanks to our management approach. In the last 25 years, we’ve created approx. 1,500ha of new native woodland via a mix of planting and natural regeneration. This has created plentiful woodland fringe habitat – perfect for black grouse shelter and food.
#GlenFinglas #WoodlandTrust
Black Grouse Lekking at Glen Finglas│Woodland Trust
Woodland TrustWoodland Trust ScotlandGlen Finglasblack grouseblack grouse lekkingblack grouse callblack grouse flyingblack grouse scotlandglen finglas reservoir walkthreatened wildlifewildlife conservationconservationconservation UKhabitat lossred list birdsgrey henscotlandscottish wildlifenative wildlife ukbritish wildlifewoodland wildlifelekking birdslekking behaviourmating birds dancemating birdscourtship rituals