Selamat pagi, KAWAN! Video ini di playlist Akademi Online topiknya THE ART of JAMBU MADU MERAH RED ROSE APPLE - WAX APPLE FRUITS TREE. Kita akan memahami proses pertumbuhan buah jambu air mulai muncul bunga sampai panen buah mencapai waktu 90 hari. Tentunya, satu bulan sebelum mulai muncul bunga dilakukan pemupukan dengan pupuk kimia. Pada saat buah mulai dibungkus dengan plastik hanya dipupuk organik secara
teratur dan terukur, rasa buah saat panen berair, renyah dan manis. Semoga konten ini bermanfaat.
Good morning friends! This video in the Akademi Online playlist has the topic THE ART of JAMBU MADU MERAH RED ROSE APPLE - WAX APPLE FRUITS TREE. We will understand the process of growing wax apple fruits, starting to appear flowers until the fruit harvest within 90 days. Of course, one month before the flowers start to appear, fertilize with chemical fertilizers. By the time the fruit was wrapped in plastic, only organic fertilization was needed regular and measured, the taste of the fruit at harvest is juicy, crunchy and sweet. Hopefully this content is useful.
Salam Jambu.
Enjoy and Happy Gardening,
#jambumadumerah #roseapple #waxapple
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