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By the end of this episode you will know everything about the most performed play in the history, Hamlet and its author William Shakespeare.
#Shakespeare #Hamlet #Playwright #theatre #theater #plays #literature #books #summary #Acting #actors #writers #authors #WilliamShakespeare #English
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0:00 Introduction to Hamlet
01:06 William Shakespeare's Biography
03:11 The summary of Hamlet
Hamlet | Book Summary In English
HamletHamlet summaryShakespeareWilliamShakespearebook summaryaudiobooksBooksPlaywrightPlayTheatreActorsActingWriterswritingAuthorsOpheliashakespeare playsshakespeare in loveLiteraturebookwormbookaddictstage playenglishlondonglobe theatreElizabethan artElizabethan theatrepoetryclassic literaturehamlet summaryhamlet analysiswilliam shakespearemoviesfilmscinemaartsartclassic paintingsmedieval literaturemiddle ages