The stones dimensions are 13.12.00 X 9.30mm and 12.850mm X 8.82mm and each one is color and clarity matched. Perfect for earrings!
The carat weight of the stones are 7.10cts and 7.64cts which total 14.74cts!
You are looking at African Moldavite! This incredibly brilliant stone comes from the river at the base of Mt. Kilimanjaro Africa.
The stone is called African Moldavite as a description only. Moldavite comes from Meteorites that hit the ground (mostly in Czechoslovakia) by the Moldau River region. However, this intense stone comes from the river in Africa. The stone is NOT MAN MADE! The Specific Gravity of the stone does not match Glass!
The stone as you can see in the pics is found by villagers in the 1970's (basically by cutting their feet on it as they walked in the water) and it's a yellow slag looking large deposit sort of like a boulder you can carry. Once they cobb off the yellow, you can see the inside pic what's present. Once this nice-looking green is cut (we cut the stones from the rough ourselves) you have one of the most intense brilliant flashes of green color you will ever lay your eyes on! The pictures don't come close to showing you the true beauty but you might get an idea from the video we made of a couple of round faceted stones.
The 3rd and 4th picture shows you the raw/rough untouched stone as found in the river and the large round green material in picture 4 is the stone after being cobbed and is ready for the cutting wheel to cut it into sizes to be polished.
This was tested years ago to see exactly what it was and no one came up with a determination other than it's not man-made glass! They even went as far as to test the old 7-UP bottles to see if anything matched even remotely to this. Nothing! Rumor has it that a meteorite hit the river area in Africa and exploded with such force that portions of it flew into the river. The intense energy that was released turned whatever it hit into this stone. The area out there is rich in Chromium which gives emerald it's green color. The land itself, where this meteorite hit has an abundance of chromium in the soil and river basins. We believe that's how this came about.
Once you open the box you will see that this isn't like anything you have ever laid eyes on in your life. Everyone you meet while wearing this will compliment you as well as ask what it is and where you got it from! It's so beautiful I gave one to my own mother and that's exactly what happens whenever she wears it anywhere! In fact, it was getting annoying wearing it as she spends a lot of her time in checkout lines explaining what it is and where it came from. It's that nice!
So, we present you with these Gemstones to see for yourself! We guarantee you will love them!
Free shipping to 48 states!
Thanks for looking!
AFRICAN MOLDAVITEMOLDAVITEGEMSTONESMt. KilimanjaroCHROMIUM GEMSTONESMETEORITETEKTITESHELZBERG DIAMONDSDIAMOND RINGWEBMASTER-CHICAGODIAMONDSDIAMOND RINGSCOCKTAIL RING14KT GOLDSupersavingschicagoEbayLightning Ridge Black OpalOpalsGemstonesloose gemstonesDiamond BrokerPawn ShopIllinois Pawn ShopLake County IL cash LoansAustralian OpalCrystal OpalBoulder OpalLocal PawnshopsDiamondsEmeraldSapphireRuby