Tank: Waterbox 165.4
Lighting: 2x Neptune SKY LED
Filtration: NYOS Quantum 160 Protein Skimmer, Filter Socks, Biomedia
- Today we are taking a look at another one of the displays from our shop in Norco, CA. This tank was set up mainly to have a Waterbox display, being that we are now carrying them! We also saw this as a great opportunity to showcase some top of the line gear from Neptune Aquatics, one of the most tried and true names in reefing automation. Last but not least, we wanted this to be a unique display with its own theme, and we couldn't think of anything better than doing a giant Goniopora garden! Even though this tank is only weeks old, we already have quite a few different strains in there! Will be interesting to see how this tank fills in over time. Thanks for watching!
reefloungecoral.com / reefloungenorco.com
Instagram: @reefloungenorco
#waterboxaquariums #reeftank #goniopora
TANK TOURS EP.5: The Ultimate Goni Garden (Waterbox 165.4)
LIVE CORALREEF TANKREEF AQUARIUMreef loungethe reef loungereef tankreef buildersreeftanktvbrstvsaltwater aquariumcoralstorch coralscolymiablastomussaaquarium storelive coralsholy grail coraltidalgardensfishofhexreefdudesecotech marinered seareefapaloozaallmymoneygoestocoralzoanthidsgonioporabounce mushroommaster scolyREEFERred sea reeferreefer 170REEFER 250reef lounge norcoWATERBOXWATERBOX AQUARIUMGONI GARDENGONIPORA