"Ballets Russes" is a full documentary film that explores the history of the legendary ballet dance company Ballets Russes, which was founded by Russian impresario Sergei Diaghilev at the turn of the 20th century Paris - when artists such as Nijinsky, Balanchine, Picasso, Matisse, and the Stravinsky united in an unparalleled collaboration, to the halcyon days in the 1930s and '40s, when the Ballets Russes astonished the American audiences with the artistry never seen before, to the 1950s and '60s, when the rising costs, rocketing egos, outside competition, and internal mismanagement, brought the last of the revered Ballets Russes companies to its knees.
The Ballets Russes film includes interviews with surviving members of the company, as well as rare archival footage and photographs that showcase the company's groundbreaking choreography and costumes.
Through interviews with dancers, choreographers, and historians, the film traces the company's history from its beginnings, when a group of Russian refugees in Paris who had never danced in Russia became not one but two rival dance troupes, who fought the infamous "ballet battles" before World War II to its eventual dissolution in the 1960s. The film also examines the cultural impact of the company, including its influence on modern dance and its role in introducing audiences to new music and art forms.
Overall, "Ballets Russes" offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of one of the most influential dance companies of the 20th century and provides insight into the personalities, politics, and artistry that made the company so revolutionary.
Directed by filmmakers Dan Geller and Dayna Goldfine with consummate invention and infused with juicy anecdotal interviews from many of the company's glamorous stars, Ballets Russes treats audiences to a rare glimpse of the remarkable dancers, choreographers, composers, and designers that transformed the face of ballet for generations to come.
It is a truly remarkable film!
I am sharing this gem for entertainment and educational purposes!
Hope you are going to enjoy Ballets Russes film!
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