This white Impala 1990-1995 belongs to one of the nuisance neighbor who lives at 3059 east 121 street this video was taken yesterday February -2-2016 &there is other vidoe of the nuisance neighbor white van that was parked illegally after this vehicle left & those vidoes were Uploaded to Twitter city council & reported to the Mayors office & Department of Public safety & commander of forth district of police & Council Ward Kenneth Johnson will be receiving all of the Vidoes on his email it doesn't matter why these nuisance neighbor are doing what they are doing its now time for the city of Cleveland to stop passing the buck between the mayor office & Division of Police & City Council & Commander of Forth district of police & Chief of police to stop making excuses about these problems as well as the vacant empty properties which are some of the reason illegal dumping & activities increased traffic brings on more likely that area that have these problems are gonna increase the chances of somebody's house or vehicle to be broken into or vandalized & I say you have to be diligent to stop & deter by reporting & documenting these incidents legally anybody can do this because its not against the law & the only violation is these nuisance neighbor & anybody else associated with them indirectly or directly involved needs to be dealt with
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