Appearance / Illusion / Magic / Dream
Unreality, deception, fraud, trick, sorcery, witchcraft, mystify, mirage, intoxicate, be lost
That which obscures, confuses, and distracts an individual from God-Realization
Adi Shankara - Indian Philosophy
Definition 1:
Magic show, an illusion where things appear to be present but are not what they seem.
Definition 2:
That which exists, but is constantly changing and thus is spiritually unreal.
Definition 3:
Power or the principle that conceals the true character of spiritual reality.
Definition 4 (Advaita Vedanta):
The powerful force that creates the cosmic illusion that the phenomenal world is real.
Definition 5:
Maya is also an epithet for the goddess Lakshmi of "wealth, fortune, power, luxury, beauty, fertility."
She holds the promise of material fulfillment and contentment. Warning: Parable of the Prodigal Son!
Definition 6:
The wondrous and mysterious power to turn an idea into a physical reality.
Maya is the name of Gautama Buddha's mother.
Lila: The Divine Play
Creative activity of God
World is the stage
The Seed of the Ineffable Absolute
Impregnates the Womb of God
Giving Birth to Infinite Maya
God is the Magician
We are bonded to illusions/delusions
⭐ Freedom & Liberation is understanding the principles behind the magic
This is Lila: The Divine Play
Purusha = Infinite Consciousness (Parmenides) [Vidya]
Prakrti = Maya (Heraclitus) [Avidya]
Seeing a snake at night when it's just a rope.
Enlightenment (daylight) clears up the illusion.
Enlightenment is like dawn, when the darkness of the night [Maya] is dispelled and you can clearly see.
The snake is money. The 'grand illusion' of materialism.
"The Realization of the Soul of Things."
Turning inward is spirituality which makes outward flow naturally.
"You are squandering this life uselessly in the love of Maya."
In attachment to Maya, they have forgotten God, the diamond necklace around their neck, the well of honey under the rock.
Adi Shankara: "Who is it that is trying to know, and how does he attain Brahman?"
AKA "What is the I, and how does one attain the Absolute/Ultimate?"
Go inward until you realize you are everything, nothing, and even beyond that.
Only when you know God will you be fearless & eternal.
Swami Vivekananda:
No Path can show you the Absolute. You Are That Already. Paths only help to remove the veil that hides Truth from our eyes.
⭐ Cessation of ignorance comes when one knows that God and I are one.
AKA Identify yourself with God, not with human limitations.
The idea that we are bound is only an illusion [Maya].
Freedom is inseparable from the nature of God.
This is ever pure, ever perfect, ever unchangeable.
⭐ Yoga [through Maya] perfects the creativity of God.
⭐ Yoga is creative Maya + GPS call-back. Like when your drone/dog flies/runs too far away. (Parable of the Prodigal Son)
⭐ Reality is Eternal Hide & Seek.
Walking each other Home.
Maya is baked into Ignorant Parenting.
The Core Curricula of Ignorant Parenting is Maya.
Morphing their child into an egoic contraction seeking externally for happiness.
Misinterpreting Maya as the only and final reality.
Maya manifests & perpetuates duality, separation, finity.
This appearance obfuscates the True nature of reality.
⭐ Liberation is the breakthrough realization of invisible principles.
That which we cannot see, we do not believe.
We are fools searching from room to room for what is already here.
Walking on the grounds of great potential with no comprehension of ultimate reality.
Maya is the appearance manifestation of worldly phenomena.
Brahman is the cause of Maya, the sole metaphysical Truth.
⭐ Spiritual Truth is True Forever. Empirical truth is true for now.
Maya clouds the inner invisible principles.
Spiritual Enlightenment is to realize these hidden principles.
Maya is the impermanence of clouds of experience.
Net of Being (Indra's Net) &
Net of Illusion (Maya)
Are layered in One Net
You are both the diamond necklace
and the ignorance seeking what is already there
The Net of Illusion (Maya) is thrown over the Net of Being (Indra's Net)
⭐ Those that breakthrough the illusion God-Realize and vortex others through.
Buddha = dedicated to welfare of all beings
Buddha is not affected by the illusion
Middle Way refutes both eternalism & nihilism
Self is not real (Dream) yet it's real enough to warrant respecting the world
Don't overwhelm yourself with capturing the Dream Force (Prana/Wind) into Art
⭐ The real sky is (knowing) that samsara and nirvana are merely an illusory display
The nature of apparent phenomena is itself an illusion
Pass beyond things either existing or not existing
Beyond a conception of samsara/nirvana
For the yogi/mystic to abide in the ultimate reality
spiritualityconsciousnessmetaphysicsgodawakeningrealityinfinityEternityGodNon-DualityAtlasmysticismmysticyogaunionabsoluteonenessthe direct pathdirect pathself realizationnonduallifeenlightenmentScienceCreatorfocusseekingtruthGod-RealizationNondualityPerfectionDreamAppearanceMysterySingularityAGIineffablethe absolutebrahmantaoatlasallen saakyansimulation seriessimulationTruthdiscernmentadvaitaMayasanskritupanishadsvedasillusionmagic