"Bengaluru Police Commissioner Kamal Pant on Friday spoke exclusively to India Today TV and said that the mob that unleashed violence in the city on Tuesday night wanted to "lay hands on the accused". He said that after the Facebook post came into circulation, some people came at the police station to file a complaint against the accused and "meanwhile, there was a group from other locality who wanted the accused to be brought to the police station.
"A person came with a complaint around 7:45. The complaint was received and an FIR was registered...This may be an excuse now, but the group wanted the boy [accused] to be brought there. That's why a group from other locality also went to the house of the MLA and the house of the accused. Basically, they wanted to lay hands on the accused. The police were taking action. The DCP has come and all this happened from 7:45 pm to 9:30 pm. There were rumours that this was happening since 4 pm, but it is wrong," Kamal Pant said.
The violence in Bengaluru's DJ Halli and adjoining areas on Tuesday night was unleashed by hundreds of people over an inflammatory social media post allegedly put out by P Naveen, a relative of Pulakeshinagar MLA R Akhanda Srinivasa Murthy of Congress. Questions have been raised over Naveen's political affiliations. Since his social media post and comments showed him supporting the BJP as well as the Congress at various points of time, a political row has erupted with leaders speculating if Naveen is a BJP agent or Congress supporter.
#BengaluruRiots ##BengaluruCommissionerExclusive #Newstrack
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