I continue my 3 day Victoria High Country camping and 4wding adventure starting at Mansfield and finishing at Dargo Pub. Over 220kms of awesome 4X4 tracks. I check out Victorian High Country huts such as Howitt Plains Hut and Black Snake Creek Hut. I traverse Victorian High Country tracks such as Zeka Spur, Track Wonnangatta Track, Wombat Range Track, Cynthia Track and Crooked River Track. I am in the Victoria High Country in winter just as it is beginning to snow. My final night I camp at an excellent campground (Black Snake Creek Hut Campground) on the banks of the Wonnangatta River. Nothing better than quiet and relaxing camping !!!!
Part 2 itinerary is:
0:00 Intro - Trip Itinerary
0:48 Howitt Plains Hut
2:51 Zeka Spur Track
7:01 WonnangattaTrack
8:59 Wombat Range Track
10:54 Cynthia Range Track
12:18 Crooked River Track
13:13 Black Snake Creek Hut Campground
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Victoria High Country - Mansfield to Dargo Pub - Part 2
Victoria High CountryDargoMansfieldVictoria High Country itinerarydargo pubVictoria High Country trackshigh countryvic high country4wding vhcvic high country tracksvictoria high country campingVHC campingVictoria high country winterVictioria High Country Australia4WD campingcampingzeka spur trackHowitt Plains Hutwonnangatta trackWombat RangeCynthia Range Trackcrooked river trackBlack snake creek hut campingvic high country camping