Edhe pasi u miratua ne këshillin kombëtar te territorit, plani urbanistik i Tiranës ka rikthyer debatet ne këshillin Bashkiak.
Gjate diskutimit te pikës 13 per inventarin e pronave publike, këshilltarët socialiste akuzuan kryebashkiakun Lulzim Basha, se deri tani nuk ka realizuar asnjë projekt ne kryeqytet. Ndërsa plani urbanistik, sipas tyre, zhduk hapësirat e gjelbra ne Tirane. Akuzat e këshilltarëve socialiste janë mohuar nga kryetari Basha, i cili gjate mbledhjes ka kritikuar punën e paraardhësit te tij. Nje kohe te gjate te debatit ne këshill ka marre projektvendimi per kalimin e disa kompetencave njësive vendore. Te majtët deklaruan se ky eshte nje vendim politik ne prag te zgjedhjeve, ndërsa Kryetari Basha propozoi hyrjen ne fuqi te tij pas 23 qershorit. Pas diskutimesh te gjata ky vendim ka marre votat e opozitës. Gjate mbledhjes maratone rreth 5 ore e gjysme, opozita ka bashkuar votat për 16 projektvendime ndërsa ka abstenuar per propozimin e dhënies se titullit "Mirënjohje e Tiranës' humoristit Veli Rades dhe ka votuar kundër rritjes e tarifave te shërbimit taksi ne Tiranë, vendim qe kaloi me kartonat e mazhorances.
Even after being approved in the national council of the territory, the physical layout of Tirana has returned to City council debates.
During the discussion of item 13 for the inventory of public properties, socialist councilors accused Mayor Basha, that so far has not carried out any capital project. While urban plan, according to their green spaces disappeared in Tirana. Socialist councilors charges are denied by President Basha, who during the meeting criticized the work of his predecessors. A long debate in the Council received a draft for the transfer of some powers local units. Leftists stated that this is a political decision on the eve of the elections, while President Basha proposed its entry into force after 23 June. After long discussions the decision has received the votes of the opposition. During about 5 and a half hour marathon meeting, the opposition united to draft 16 votes while abstaining on the proposal of giving the title "Acknowledgement of Tirana 'comedian Veli Rades and voted against raising cab service tariff in Tirana, the decision was passed cartons majority.
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