How to hide some parts of the block in autocad using xclip without using explode
I'm going to show polygonal clipping boundary, rectangular, and show you how to make it in circular, curved or any form of shapes.
please share and subscribe or leave comments for questions or any suggestions. I'm also a beginner in Autocad so I want learn from others suggestions. Thank you!
how to crop block without exploding- autocad
xclipshinketakoshinketautocad tutorialxclip autocad circleclip circle autocadxclip autocad tutorialrectangular xclipboundary cliptutorial autocadautocad clippingrectangular boundarypolygonal clipping boundaryxclip circlecircular xclipcircular boundary clip autocadblockautocad blocksxref autocadcurved boundary xclipdynamic block autocadHow to hide some parts of the block in autocad.