Fluid Mechanics Lesson Series - Lesson 08B: Pipe Flow Entrance Region
In this 7-minute video, Professor Cimbala analyzes the region near the entrance of a pipe - the entrance region. He defines the hydrodynamic entrance length and provides empirical equations that are used to estimate the entrance length for both laminar and turbulent flow.
This video incorporates material from Section 8-3 of the Fluid Mechanics textbook by Cengel and Cimbala.
An Excel file listing of all the videos in this series can be found at
[ Ссылка ] .
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Dr. John M. Cimbala is Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Penn State. He is an educator, textbook author, Christian author, husband, father, and grandfather. He also created and maintains a website for helping people grow in their faith called Christian Faith Grower at [ Ссылка ] His YouTube channel is at [ Ссылка ]
Fluid Mechanics Lesson 08B: Pipe Flow Entrance Region
CimbalaCymbalaSimbalCengelCengel+Cimbalaeducation+videophysicsscienceengineeringcourse+videolesson+videofluidfluid mechanicsfluid dynamicsfluid flowfluid+videofluid+courseME 320ME 320+lessonsupplement+fluidsupplement+cengelsupplement+cimbalaCengel+8.3Cengel+8-3pipe flowfully developedhydrodynamic entrance lengthentrance regionentrance lengthlaminar+turbulenthydrodynamic entrance regiondeveloping+pipeshear stresswall shear stresspipe