پدر مهسا ميگويد: من جز اعدام دیگه فیصله راقبول ندارم " شما را به قانون خدا ميسپارم.
نتیجه محکمه : ۳۰ سال قید
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متهمان قتل مهسا به 30 سال حبس تنفیذی محکوم شدند
متهمان قتل مهسا، دختربچۀ شش ساله از سوی دادگاه ابتدایی کابل به 30 سال حبس تنفیذی محکوم شدند.
اما مرتضا، پدر مهسا حکم دادگاه را نپذیرفته و خواستار اعدام متهمان قتل دخترش است.
یکی از متهمان این پرونده میگوید، از کارش پشیمان است و عذاب وجدان دارد، اما دومی میگوید، هنگام قتل مهسا در صحنۀ جرم نبوده است.
مهسای شش ساله سه ماه پیش از سوی دو موترسایکلسوار از ساحۀ خیرخانۀ شهر کابل ربوده شده و پس از یک روز به گونۀ بیرحمانه کشته شد.
Kabul #Court Hands Jail Term To #Mahsa’s #Kidnappers
A primary court in Kabul on Sunday sentenced two kidnappers for their involvement in the murder of a six-year-old girl, Mahsa, for 30 years in prison.
A panel of the defense attorneys who issued the verdict said that what saved the criminal from execution was that they are underage.
But victim’s parents said they are not satisfied with the court’s verdict and that they demand a tough penalty for the two young men.
The verdict was issued after weeks of delay which also draw strong backlash from members of the public.
“My children have become mentally ill. I have become mentally ill. My wife is passing through the same situation. Whom should I tell my pain?” asked Murtaza Ahmadi, the victim’s father.
“Why our law should have this problem? One of them is 18 years old and the other is 19. It means that based on the law, they should have been executed, but unfortunately, the law has this problem,” said Sana Akbar, a defense attorney.
One of the suspects expressed repentance over what he has done.
“The fear and the horror I was feeling, I really regret,” said Sajjad, one of the suspects.
“Based on Article 598 of the Penal Code, every one of you is convicted to 30 years in jail since the start of the detention,” said Abdul Waris Ehsanpoor, the court’s judge.
The suspects were arrested by police in Khairkhana area in Kabul’s PD15 in March.
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