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Dec. 14, 2012 - Music has long been a powerful tool for social and political change. It crosses linguistic, geographic, and cultural boundaries. In Syria, anti-regime music has flourished since the start of the revolution in 2011.
Ibrahim Quashoush, a Syrian singer and activist, was best known for leading a demonstration where he chanted the song, "Get out, Bashar! It's time for you to leave!" Two days later, Quashoush's body was found in a river, his throat cut and vocal chords pulled out. Syrians all over the world have been singing this song ever since.
Syrian pianist Malek Jandali said in an interview that "there is no true art without freedom." The uprising has shattered the fear many Syrian artists lived under for decades, and the regime's harsh response has only reinforced the irrepressible power of music. We see this, for example in the video of Syrian children in a refugee camp singing Quashoush's defiant song.
For those of us outside of Syria whose only access to the country is through media, this music provides a unique insight into the passion, sorrow, creativity, and resilience of the Syrian people.
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Songs of the Syrian Revolution
witnesshuman rightshuman rights channelsyriaRevolutionmusicSongSongsibrahim quashoushquashoushsyrian songlebanonYahya HawwaBassel ShahadeMashaal TammoMasasit Mati-Top GoonSyria Freedom songSyria freedomOmar OffendumSami MatarSamih ShuqairMalek Jandali'sFreedom Qashoush SymphonySYRIAGet out BashaarBashaar al-assadbashaarsyria revolution songsSyrian Hip HopSyrian muscicianssyrian artistsGoing out to face death