In this episode of Urban Debate, anchor Shreya Dhoundial will discuss the disturbing details that were revealed in the shocking case of murder that shook the nation. A Bengaluru woman, Suchana Seth, 39, who is the CEO of a Bengaluru-based start-up Mindful AI Lab, was arrested for purportedly killing her four-year-old son, allegedly to prevent the meeting of her estranged husband and son. The police caught her in Chitradurga with a bag carrying her son's body on her way to Bengaluru from Goa. The police apprehended her in Chitradurga while she was on her way from Goa to Bengaluru, with a bag containing her son's remains.
Psychologist, Shivani Sadhoo said “It happens when the killer takes decides to take revenge from their partner, they make their child the object.. Child’s welfare is not a priority.” Watch the full video to know more and follow Mirror Now for the latest updates.
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