The Shifting Dunes, also known as "Wydmy Ruchome" in Polish, is a unique natural phenomenon located in Słowiński National Park, Poland. These dunes are one of the main attractions of the park and are constantly moving due to the prevailing winds.
Słowiński National Park is situated on the Baltic coast and is known for its diverse landscapes, including the coastal dunes, lakes, and marshes. The Shifting Dunes, in particular, are a series of sand dunes that can reach up to 30 meters in height and are in a constant state of flux.
The movement of the dunes is a result of the strong coastal winds blowing sand from the shore inland, forming new dunes and changing the landscape over time. As some dunes migrate, others are stabilized by vegetation, creating a dynamic and ever-changing environment.
The unique ecosystem of Słowiński National Park is protected to preserve its natural beauty and biodiversity. Visitors to the park can explore the dunes by following designated hiking trails, and certain areas may be restricted to protect the delicate environment.
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